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Date: 3/10/2024
Subject: Shorthanded Night in Newport
From: Douglas Ellmore

Ahoy CHESSSMates,
The Board has been spending some time preparing updates to the CHESSS Constitution and Racing Rules.  We are in final edits and review.  We will share them in the next day or so.  Members have a say, so please renew or join if you have not done so.
That said, I ran across a good video on YouTube on Shorthanded sailing.  Ken Read's #7 recommendation, race and make it as intense or fun as you want!  I think if you watch this video, it may give you additional motivation to go shorthanded sailing sooner than later-  
There may be a few races on our calendar that singlehanded will not be permitted.  You will need someone that is not an inflatable airline pilot as representation of a second set of hands  To help out, we have an open Crew Exchange Forum.  If you are looking or want to crew, put a post on the Crew Exchange Forum.  I am also thinking our next social could be less dinner oriented and more socialization with many different folks.  Maybe a happy hour that follows a speed dating format.  If that interests you, let me know.  I hope to get  something together before the end of the month.
Finally, we do a have a large member group still on Facebook.  See: . There are a lot of things posted there from members and non-members from around the planet.
If I sent a typo or some bad grammer, sorry I have been working on the boat a good part of the weekend and feel a bit rushed trying to get things done for A2B (crew of 5).
So stay tuned, we will be sending out our club business news to members in the hours and days ahead.
Douglas Ellmore,  Sr.
Commodore, CHESSS