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Racing: General Discussion

Presentation on 2025-2028 RRS
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I was disappointed.

Dave spent too much time on rules which had a change in the wording, but with no effect on racing. A "nothing burger" as he said multiple times.

And the continual "the old rule says", "the new rule says" was distracting.

Dave knows his stuff, of course. This presentation wasn't up to his usual.

Thanks for the reminder Peter, I was planning to watch that. - John Z

In case you didn't get the email notice:

CBYRA is sponsoring a two night presentation by Dave Perry on the 2025-2028 RRS with an emphasis on the major changes from the previous RRS. January 22nd and 23rd at 7:30 to 9:00 PM Eastern.

Free to members of CBYRA and PHRF. You are a member of one, or the other, or both, right?

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