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Racing: General Discussion

A to MR Race: Whitehall Bay?
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Thanks for the suggestions. Sound much better than my original plan.

I anchored in Mill Creek. Very pleasant anchorage. Thanks again.

Peter,  I agree with Ben.  You should definitely not anchor in Whitehall Bay if there is any chance of a blow from the South.  It's no fun bouncing up and down at 2am, deciding you have to move, upping anchor and trying to find the unlit day markers for the hairpin curve into the Creek.  My boat is docked at Whitehall Marina, up Whitehall Creek.  There are lots of spots to anchor as soon as you get into the Creek and it's very pretty up there.  Good luck with the race!

John Z

You could go up the Severn, into Annapolis harbor, and grab a mooring.  You could also go past Annapolis up the Severn to Round Bay.  This is a somewhat longer distance than Whitehall Bay, but it's much more protected if it's blowing from the south.  

For more protection in Whitehall Bay, you can tuck up by Holy Beach Farm (large brick house on the right side as you go into the Bay).  For even more shelter, you can go up Whitehall Creek, which is on the right side of the Bay, and anchor in the relatively wide area that opens up as soon as you enter the Creek.  Or you can go to the left side of Whitehall Bay and enter Mill Creek.  There is a Naval Academy boat yard/marina on the left immediately upon entering Mill Creek.  There's a wide area there where boats anchor, typically a few hundred yards past the opening to the marina.  If you want to stay in the Whitehall Bay area, the Mill Creek option is probably the best one.  It has a relatively wide area for anchoring, is well protected, and a shorter distance than Whitehall Creek. Jeff keeps his boat up Mill Creek.  

I will be racing in the Annapolis to Miles River race on the 25th. As I do not want to get underway from Herrington Harbour North that morning, my plan is to sail to the Annapolis area on the 24th. Anchor in Whitehall Bay. No interest in going ashore.

Any suggestions for alternatives to Whitehall Bay?

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