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PRO / RC Help wanted for Alberg 30 Bruce Rankin Me...
Julianne Fettus

Greetings CHESSS folks, not directly single/double hand related, but I believe there are a few Alberg 30 folks that do S/DH in our group. Upcoming is the Bruce Rankin Memorial / Canadian Friendship regatta the weekend of September 17th & 18th. PSA is in need of some RC / PRO assistance. They do not need to be USSailing certified as this is more of a casual event. Good opportunity for someone that wants to get some PRO experience. Any interest, or if anyone knows someone who may be interested in helping, please let me know and I'll get you in touch with them

They seem to be coming up short just because there are a lot of conflicts this weekend, most RC / PROs are already involved with either Hospice Cup or the new SeaFarer's regatta.



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